Friday, March 16, 2007

Hit Parade

I don't get many hits on my blog, which isn't difficult to understand given that I rarely update, and that when I do it's an explosion of piffle.

I have a little statistics counter thingy that soothes my ego, so when I have a massive day and maybe five people look I can sometimes see from whence they came. My Flickr account generates a lot of traffic, Vealmince's page does too, but what I absolutely love is the fact that I can see what people were searching for when they looked at my blog.

Especially so, when search terms such as the following sent people here.

God bless the Internet.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Rib-cracking fun in the FRC

Me in the Fast Rescue Craft

Kneeling in the bow of the Fast Rescue Craft, preparing to attach the bowline...

Thursday, March 01, 2007


Oh lordy. I sleep like shit, every night. T'is the gift and splendour of having sleep apnea. Oddly though, for years I have not needed to use an alarm clock as my internal clock seems to work rather well -- I look at my watch or clock before slumber, tell myself what time I need to rise and roughly two minutes before the appointed time I wake.

The flipside is the deliciously naughty feeling I get when I slip into bed and deliberatly avoid any and all eye-contact with my various chronometers, and fall asleep safe in the knowledge that I need not rise for any reason...


Recently though, my roving eye has been caught by some awesome clocks.

There's the DANGERBOMB alarm clock, which requires you to reconnect the wires in the correct order to turn it off. There's this round up of other annoying clocks, but the one I crave most emphatically is the VOCO clock, voiced by Stephen Fry!

As the page says, we all like a little admiration in the morning. The Alarm has 50 phrases from Stephen which it uses to rouse you in the AM, from "The world has been very anxious to hear from you for the last eight hours. Shall I inform the news agencies you are about to rise, Sir?" to "Oh dear...come, come, let us not be defeated, Sir. Let us 'seize the day and take it roughly from behind', as the Colonel used to say in his unfortunate way."

I need one!