Thursday, April 13, 2006

In a world without laws, an outlaw runs from the law...

I've recently borrowed a friend's notebook, and have come crawling back to the warm and loving embrace of teh Internets. Ah Internets, how could I leave you so?

While this means I have been engaging in all manner of Internet shenanigans, a large part has been catching up on a few month's worth of movie trailers. I'm a massive movie buff, and I revel in the delights of a well put-together trailer, but unfortunately this is a hard-to-find treat these days.

Every time I see a one-sheet for some amazing pap like Cheaper By The Dozen or Bringing Down the House, I shake my head at the shit that the movie-viewing public wil put up with. Now I don't mind an endless stream of garbage churned out for the teeming masses of mouth-breathers out there -- it gives them something to do between eating sticks of butter or raw cookie dough -- but when lowest common denominator infiltrates what could be potentially good or great movies and makes ok movies, I object.

And nowhere is this more evident than in the humble movie trailer. I consider the late seventies/early eighties, the absolute zenith in movie trailer editing. Back then you'd get a couple choice shots of the movie, some shit sample from the soundtrack, and whole fuckload of exposition about what watching this movie would do to you and your brain. You still wouldn't know a great deal about the movie, but damn you'd want to go to see it.

These days, you're pretty much given the story of the movie in truncated form, including all the fucking spoilers, and then you're expected to see this Cliff's Notes version fleshed out in full?!?

I totally get pissed with the mystery being taken out of movies from the fucking trailers. I blame the American public for this, and since most movies are churned out of Hollywood, and the trailers similarly so, I feel justified in giving a big fuck you to Hollywood, and fuck you to the mouth-breathing American Idol watching dullards who need their information spoon-fed to them.

Movies are about the mystery, and joy of seeing the story unfold. At least for me. Ah stuff it, I've broken an anger-vessel in my brain.

Codacil: While I cannot help but jump on the bandwagon for this, the only movie possible that the trailer cannot tell me anything I do not already know (and that's not a remake) is whatever trailer they come out with for Snakes on a Plane.


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