Friday, April 14, 2006

Screw you, Medical Science! Let 'em all die...

As anyone who has lived through any age can tell you, theirs was the golden age. Ours is an age of boundless innovation in many disciplines: energy, physics, biology, manufacturing, computing and so on. What is possible today was not possible yesterday, and what we only dream that may be possible in ten years may actually only take five to come to fruition.

But it's medical science that's got me worried, and the major breakthroughs that happen every few weeks. See, I'm all for long-life and I'll guess we'll cross the social and economical implications of that soon enough, but what's got me irked is the development of new wonder drugs...wonder drugs, that those arseclown spam-kings think I wouldn't mind getting forty or fifty emails about each day.

I mean, just what in Christing fuck is Cialis?!?

No, no, I don't actually want to know, but I just want the Cialis-spam pain to stop. What about returning to the good old days of spam when it was mainly porn? Sure it still jammed your inbox and was frustrating, but I don't know of anyone who really complained about a glimpse of animated-GIF boobs.

And I figure that since we can't seem to catapult the spammers into the Sun -- no matter how many letters I write to the Queen -- then maybe we need to halt all research and production of new drugs. It just makes sense.

Please Medical Science, give a guy a break!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.

3:40 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

11:24 am  

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