Thursday, June 15, 2006

Dellis makes the world better: #1 - Sleep Safe

Was at the pub the other night, and since the World Cup’s on the place is festooned with flags of different nations. We had a hell of a time working out whose flag a certain one was as we’d never seen it before, and were intrigued by the complexity of the design, which included shields, castles and more.

Turns out it was the Portuguese flag (thankyou Blackberry and teh Intarwebs!), which was a far cry from our African-based guesses.

Anyway, to conserve precious wall-space the flags are being hung like banners, which led one friend to remark that in some cases that may actually be illegal, at which point my other friend interjected that in some cities it’s illegal to hang sheets as curtains.

My first thought was, there’s laws against that?!?

Then my flag-defending friend made the very good point that it’s actually a fire hazard, as sheets flare quickly and vertically whereas curtains are by design supposed to be more flame retardant.

I instantly blurted out that if you smoke in bed, why not sleep under curtains instead of sheets, preventing you from burning down your house when you nod off.

That’s right, friend, I just saved your life!


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